General Questions
Scroll down or click on any of the links below to go directly to that section.
What are Queens Artists' goals?
How do I contact Queens Artists?
How long will it take to receive my order?
Why is there a "No Return Policy" for earrings?
Payment Options
What is Queens Artists?
This site is created by a couple of artisans, Joe and Tara, living in Queens, New York. We don't have a storefront, but we do have a love for creating jewelry and art. In this modern age, this site is one of the easiest and best ways for us to get our pieces seen by people outside of our little neck of the woods. How many people see our site is up to the gods, but whether you like what you see is pretty much up to you. We hope that you do like what you see, and that you help out the gods a little bit by spreading the word that this is a site worth visiting.
Why do we exist?
Without breaking into a rant on existentialism and its implications for the future, exists for 2 reasons--admittedly, one feeds the other, but we are here to show our wares and to sell them. The selling aspect is very important because if we cannot sell pieces on the internet then the cost of showing our wares will soon become a burden too heavy to bare.
But, you know, sometimes you just have to take a chance--you gotta believe!
What are Queens Artists' goals?
Ideally, we will make $100,000,000 (one-hundred-million dollars with pinky held up to corner of mouth)!
Nice, but not practical. For today, we hope to design and present quality merchandise that people like you will come to see, appreciate and buy. We know that we will not create something for everybody, but we do hope to create something for you.
Where do I go for help?
Navigation Questions
Go to the Help file now if you need help in getting around the site.
Purchasing Questions
Continue to read if you are having trouble buying something.
Please, if you cannot find an answer on either our Help page or on this page, contact us so that we can provide an answer to you. Although every effort has been made to provide as much information as possible and to address any issue that can be raised, there may be an instance where we overlooked something.
How do I contact Queens Artists?
Our contact information is found here, and you will see 2 links on every page of the Queens Artists site.
Upper right-hand corner and down at the bottom of the page and you will see a contact.
Feel free to contact us for any reason as we are here to help you if we can.
How do I provide Feedback?
We will be grateful if you would take a couple of moments to fill out our Feedback Form.
Is there a Privacy Policy?
Yes, there is a privacy policy that you can see here, and there are links on every page of the Queens Artists site.
On every page, you will find one link in the upper right-hand corner of the page and you will find a second link at the bottom of the page. Both links are named Privacy.
How do I buy something?
Buying from Queens Artists is easy! On every page that has an item for sale on it, you will see "Add to Cart" text on the right hand side of the page just below the price.
When you click on the icon you will be taken to our PayPal page, where you can review the item or items selected. You will be able to make any changes that you would like prior to placing your order.
Note: It has been reported that the PayPal link for Continue Shopping does not work in some browsers. Please, if this happens to you, just shut down the PayPal window--click on the little box with an X in the upper right-hand corner--and continue to enjoy your stay with us. We are working on a fix for this problem and apologize to our users that are affected by it.
How long will it take to receive my order?
Orders are custom made to meet the exacting standards of Queens Artists in order to insure your complete satisfaction with your purchase. As a result, most orders will be shipped within 5 - 10 business days from when we receive your confirming order. If for any reason we are unable to ship your product(s) within the stated time frame, Queens Artists will contact you as soon as the situation arises so that together we can reach an agreement as to how we should proceed with your order. As a regular business practice, we do not expect that any circumstances would prevent us from fulfilling your order in a timely manner.
Our committment to you, our customer, is your complete satisfaction.
Why is there a "No Return Policy" for earrings?
Medical concerns in the health industry require us to make Earrings not returnable except for manufacturing defects.
For more information regarding our concerns in this area, see
- The Hepatitis Information Network,
- Risk Factors for Hepatitis B, and
- Behaviors and activities that put people at risk.
In case of a manufacturing defect, earrings will be replaced only. But please note that each piece is created by us; we would not sell anything that was not in perfect operating condition.
We recognize that it is not you that we need to be concerned about; it's the other people. But if the other people found out that we allowed an exception for you, they would be very upset. So, please do not take offense to this policy.
Shopping at Queens Artists should be a fun experience. You should not have to worry about where our jewelry lived before coming into your life.
Direct Payment Option
Sales Order Form
Print out our Sales Order Form. You will need a pdf file reader, get Adobe Reader FREE.
Use PayPal if you prefer, see our PayPal Payment Option.
Once the Sales Order Form is printed, fill it out carefully making sure that you sign and date it, and mail it to us along with your Check or Money Order made out to Queens Artists. Please allow 3 to 5 days for check clearance.
As soon as we receive your order, we will contact you via the contact information that you provide. Although you may make a purchase with cash, we strongly advise against it.
PayPal Payment Option
We suggest PayPal in order to protect your personal information as well as for your convenience and ease of purchase.
Regarding personal information: If we do not have it, then we cannot use it or sell it to any third party. We want you to be a happy customer and a customer that returns back often. Queens Artists is against making money off of your buying habits or personal information. Read our Privacy Policy.
We think it better that your personal information remains . . . well . . . personal.
With PayPal, your online purchase is quick and easy, and you have the confidence of knowing that a quality company stands behind you to protect you from online scams or fraud. And, best of all, it is FREE to open an account!
PayPal enables you to send payments quickly and securely online using a credit card or bank account.
When you select an item to purchase, our shopping cart will take you to our PayPal site, where you can change your order, continue shopping or you may check out--make your payment. If you do not already have a PayPal account, you may get it directly through Check Out.
At PayPal, you can choose how you would like to fund your PayPal payment (for example, using a checking account, credit card, or PayPal balance) and then send the payment.
For your protection, Queens Artists uses the billing address of your credit card only as the shipping address for your purchases.
If you require the purchase(s) to be shipped to a location different from that on your credit card, please contact us.
Advantages to using PayPal include:
- Payment is traceable. You can track the status of your payment using your PayPal account.
- Payment is easy. You pay us directly from the Queens Artists PayPal Account page. The payment is deposited directly into our account, and you will receive confirmatory emails from PayPal and Queens Artists.
- PayPal offers several options: from credit card to debit card to check. Queens Artists has no need to see your credit card information, which protects you from the risk of fraud on your account.
- PayPal Buyer Protection: PayPal offers Buyer Protection on qualifying items - up to $1,000 in free coverage.
- PayPal's Money Back Guarantee offers additional limited protection.
PayPal Verification Program
To return to this page, click on your BACK button (generally found in the upper left-hand corner of your web browser). Click here or on the image at left for an explanation about PayPal's Verification program.
See PayPal's E-commerce Safety Guide for additional information.
In addition, you can shop in confidence knowing that Queens Artists strives to make our customers happy with our dedication to service. Moreover, we know that if we do not treat you fairly, you will not come back. So you see, our goal is to assure you that we will do everything in our power to make sure that you receive exactly what you ordered for the exact price listed. There will be no hidden fees and you will not be shocked to find any type of overcharge(s).
We hope that you will visit us often as you know you can trust us to provide you with quality products at a fair price.