Queens Artists Help
Hi! If you have come to this page, then maybe you are having a little bit of difficulty navigating around the site, or you are just curious to see what is on the Help page.
Either way, allow us to shed some light on the situation. If you are not sure of where to click or where to go to find something on the site, look below.
On the Main Index or Home page, there are 4 menu options available on the top of the page:
Jewelry, Contact, Site Map, and Order Form.
Below that, on the right-hand side of the graphic are links for Anklets, Bracelets, Earrings, Necklaces, Neckware, Sets, Watches, and Come On In.
Scroll your mouse over any of these links and click your left mouse button on the item to enter the site.
Once in the site, the Main menu or site Navigation Bar is on the left-hand side of the page. All you need to do is place the mouse pointer over one of the categories and click your left mouse button while over your area of interest.
In addition to the Main Menu options on the left, text links exist at the bottom of each page.
Gallery Product Pages
When you click on any of our Main Gallery Products Pages, for example, Anklets, Bracelets, Earrings, Necklaces, Neckware, Sets, or Watches, you will go to a gallery that contains images of current offerings. Clicking on an item of interest will bring you to its purchase page, which contains a larger image of the item with the price and purchase links found to the right of the image and product description.
ROTATING MENU: Just below the pricing information is an additional menu added for your convenience. This is a rotating menu. If you click on a link above or below the center text, you will be brought to that Gallery Product Page. If you click on a link to the left or the right of the center text, you will be brought to the previous or next image within that category group.
It may sound more complicated than it is. Just play around with it. You cannot do any damage to it and you cannot do anything wrong with it. So just have some fun!
Other Items of Interest
Please take a moment and tell us what you think about the site by filling out our Feedback Form. This form is used to improve the site and its offerings to make your shopping experience at Queens Artists as pleasant as possible.
If you are looking for answers on this page and you have not found them, please consider visiting our F.A.Q. page, where you will find answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions.
If you still cannot find an answer, then please contact us via email.
Of course if you have looked through the Queens Artists site and have seen a piece or two that you like, feel free to buy it.
Do you like free stuff? We do! Our Links page is a great place to find links to free software. We're talking about FREE open-source software to protect your computer from all the junk that's out there trying to get in to wreak havoc on your computer. At Queens Artists, we recognize that your computer's security is important.