Hello and Thank You for visiting Queens Artists

Menus : Left
Jewelry: original designs and creations by Artisans of Queens, to include:Fashioned with stones, semiprecious stones, sterling silver, gold and other materials, we are delighted to display our collection of pieces for your viewing and buying pleasure.
Help provides answers to navigation issues--how to move around easily.
F.A.Q. addresses those Frequently Asked Questions that most affect your shopping experience with us. This page addresses issues such as payment options and delivery times.
Order Form brings you to a section of the F.A.Q. page, which tells you to print out a .pdf file and to use this form when you want to order using snail-mail.
Earrings Return Policy explains why we cannot accept returns on earrings for reasons other than a manufacturing defect.
Links lists links to software (open-source or freeware mostly) that Queens Artists thinks you should have!
Menus : Upper Right Hand Corner
Contact page gives you various options for getting in touch with us. You may E-mail Queens Artists if you have any issues that we can address for you. We would ask that you take a moment or two to provide Feedback as we try to give you a good site that is easy to navigate, find items of interest, and to purchase your items smoothly. That doesn't mean that we cannot do it better, so your input is greatly appreciated. Lastly, if you would care to write to the webmaster, feel free to do so.
Privacy sets out our privacy policy. It discusses what we collect, what we don't collect, what we do with the information collected as well as other matters pertinent to the smooth operation of the website.
Site Map provides a breakdown of the site via text links to all pages. Although used primarily by robots for search engines, if you knew the item number for a particular product, you could find the link to that page here.
Terms brings you to the terms and conditions page, which discusses pricing, purchasing, shipping, et cetera, issues.
Legal is legal stuff.
Menus : Bottom
Menus from the left and upper right are also found below.
Please feel free to browse around our site, and if you do not see anything to your liking today then bookmark us because there will be more to see tomorrow.
Contact us for answers to any questions, suggestions or comments that can help us to serve you better.